Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Diagonal and shades

This is the shot I have taken in my apartment last week. My focus was on the diagonal roofline of the drawing room. But after taking the shot what amazed me most are the semicircular shades in the wall. I found these are originated from the small circular lights. Its amazing!
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Ash said...


Kalyan Panja said...

Amazing indeed...Superb!
The angle makes it more interesting.

Lakshmi said...

cool idea...must try it out..I enjoy the reflections ...Ive always wanted to have roof top and floor lighting in my house, but I couldnt

Pijush said...

@Kalyan, Thanks for the complement.
@Backpakker, It just happened, sometime the camera makes the difference, so I am lucky to have such a good Canon 350DSLR camera. Thanks for the comment.